Cardiology Research, ISSN 1923-2829 print, 1923-2837 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Cardiol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 16, Number 1, February 2025, pages 15-21

Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair Versus Annuloplasty in Functional Mitral Valve Regurgitation: A Comparison of Cardiovascular Outcomes


Table 1. Patient Characteristics for Those Receiving MitraClip G4 Versus Annuloplasty and Previous Clip Versions
MitraClip G4 (N = 7,270)Annuloplasty (N = 12,230)P-valueEarlier MitraClip (N = 12,205)P-value
aValue censored due to low cell size (< 10). Numbers and comparisons incorporate the discharge weights provided in the NIS. Data are from 2016 to 2020. To avoid overlap between G4 and prior iterations, MitraClip data from 2019 were excluded. P-values are comparisons to MitraClip G4. CKD: chronic kidney disease; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SD: standard deviation.
Age, years, mean (SD)76.4 (10.7)57.4 (19.8)< 0.00178.3 (10.1)< 0.001
Female, n (%)3,470 (47.8)4,545 (37.2)< 0.0016,190 (50.7)0.07
Race, n (%)< 0.0010.01
  White5,485 (75.4)9,195 (75.2)9,320 (76.4)
  Black770 (10.6)875 (7.2)940 (7.7)
  Hispanic410 (5.6)730 (6.0)760 (6.2)
  Others605 (8.3)1,430 (11.7)1,185 (9.7)
Hospital region, n (%)< 0.0010.35
  Northeast1,240 (17.1)2,315 (18.9)1,980 (16.2)
  Midwest1,285 (17.7)3,295 (26.9)2,415 (19.8)
  South2,810 (38.7)3,830 (31.3)4,510 (37.0)
  West1,935 (26.6)2,790 (22.8)3,300 (27.0)
Primary payer, n (%)< 0.0010.89
  Medicare6,105 (84.0)4,955 (40.6)10,645 (87.3)
  Medicaid265 (3.6)1,220 (9.9)255 (2.1)
  Private insurance705 (9.7)5,470 (44.8)1,115 (9.1)
  Others/self-pay190 (2.6)575 (4.7)175 (1.4)
Median household income (quartile), n (%)< 0.0010.20
  0 - 25th percentile1,665 (23.3)2,465 (20.5)2,705 (22.6)
  25 - 50th percentile1,895 (26.5)2,720 (22.6)2,880 (24.0)
  50 - 75th percentile1,865 (26.1)3,205 (26.7)3,240 (27.0)
  75 - 100th percentile1,725 (24.1)3,625 (30.2)3,170 (26.4)
Comorbidities, n (%)
  Cerebrovascular disease I6X405 (5.6)670 (5.5)0.90680 (5.6)1.00
  Coronary artery disease I253,985 (54.8)4,360 (35.7)< 0.0016,705 (54.9)0.94
  Peripheral artery disease I73.9280 (3.9)255 (2.1)0.001785 (6.4)0.001
  Obstructive sleep apnea G47.331,015 (15.4)1,295 (10.6)0.0021,425 (11.7)0.04
  Atrial fibrillation I484,430 (60.9)6,100 (49.9)< 0.0017,560 (61.9)0.53
  Obesity E66915 (12.6)1,740 (14.2)0.151,225 (10.0)0.01
  Hypertension I10640 (8.8)4,305 (35.2)< 0.0012,535 (20.8)< 0.001
  Type 2 diabetes mellitus E11.9675 (9.3)770 (6.3)0.0011,470 (12.0)0.008
  Chronic kidney disease, any stage N18.91,880 (25.9)905 (7.4)< 0.0012,940 (24.1)0.33
  CKD stage 1 N18.115 (0.2)15 (0.1)0.5215 (0.1)0.52
  CKD stage 2 N18.2140 (1.9)250 (2.0)0.80155 (1.3)0.11
  CKD stage 3 N18.31,290 (17.7)560 (4.6)< 0.0012,000 (16.4)0.27
  CKD stage 4 N18.4435 (6.0)80 (0.7)< 0.001720 (5.9)0.91
  CKD stage 5 N18.5-a0 (0)0.0750 (0.4)0.14
  Tobacco use F17435 (6.0)1,160 (9.5)< 0.001555 (4.5)0.05
  COPD J44.91,330 (18.3)860 (7.0)< 0.0012,520 (20.6)0.07
Hospital bed-size, n (%)0.010.14
  Small570 (7.8)1,265 (10.3)820 (6.7)
  Medium1,440 (19.8)2,590 (21.2)2,210 (18.1)
  Large5,260 (72.3)8,375 (68.5)9,175 (75.2)
Hospital location and teaching status, n (%)0.840.002
  Rural40 (1.2)130 (1.1)90 (0.3)
  Urban non-teaching565 (7.8)985 (8.1)1,060 (8.7)
  Urban teaching6,615 (91.0)11,115 (90.9)11,105 (91.0)


Table 2. Unadjusted Outcomes of the MitraClip G4 vs. Annuloplasty and Previous Iterations of MitraClip
OutcomesMitraClip G4 (N = 7,270)Annuloplasty (N = 12,230)P-valueEarlier MitraClip (N = 12,205)P-value
aValue censored due to low cell size (< 10). Numbers, odds ratios, and comparisons account for discharge weights only. P-values are for comparisons to MitraClip G4. IQR: interquartile range.
In-hospital mortality R99, n (%)90 (1.2)195 (1.6)0.37165 (1.4)0.76
Length of stay, days, median (IQR)1 (1, 3)6 (5, 9)< 0.0012 (1 - 4)< 0.001
Cost of stay, thousands of dollars, median (IQR)173.8 (128.5 - 261.0)167.3 (119.6 - 262.2)0.06174.6 (121.2 - 254.5)0.05
Pulmonary embolism I26, n (%)40 (0.6)60 (0.5)0.8025 (0.2)0.07
Acute ischemic stroke I63, n (%)50 (0.7)220 (1.8)0.004105 (0.9)0.56
Myocardial infarction I21, n (%)95 (1.3)515 (4.2)< 0.001125 (1.0)0.42
Gastrointestinal bleed K92.2, n (%)40 (0.6)55 (0.4)0.6635 (0.3)0.20
Non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage I61.9, n (%)0 (0)0 (0)-0 (0)-
Postprocedural hemorrhage of skin and subcutaneous tissue L76.2, n (%)0 (0)-a0.4420 (0.2)0.12
Pericardial effusion I31.3, n (%)25 (0.3)75 (0.6)0.2550 (0.4)0.75
Tamponade I31.4, n (%)230 (3.2)320 (2.6)0.32270 (2.2)0.07


Table 3. Adjusted Outcomes of Patients Receiving the MitraClip G4 vs. Annuloplasty and Earlier Clip Versions
OutcomesMitraClip G4 vs. annuloplastyMitraClip G4 vs. earlier versions
OR/mean difference (95% CI)P-valueOR/mean difference (95% CI)P-value
Because treatments are non-randomly assigned, survey regressions (linear or logistic) account for discharge weights and discharge characteristics found to be significantly different between groups. Non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage and postprocedural hemorrhage of skin and subcutaneous tissue were not considered due to an insufficient number of events. CI: confidence interval; OR: odds ratio.
In-hospital mortality0.38 (0.18 - 0.77)0.0070.86 (0.48 - 1.54)0.62
Length of stay, days-5.51 (-6.32 to -4.70)< 0.001-1.23 (-1.75 to -0.71)< 0.001
Cost of stay, thousands-17.00 (-35.09 to 1.09)0.075.00 (-5.12 to 15.14)0.33
Pulmonary embolism1.61 (0.51 - 5.03)0.423.00 (0.95 - 9.47)0.06
Acute ischemic stroke0.29 (0.13 - 0.61)0.0010.74 (0.36 - 1.53)0.42
Myocardial infarction0.15 (0.08 - 0.28)< 0.0011.15 (0.63 - 2.11)0.65
Gastrointestinal bleed0.54 (0.17 - 1.70)0.291.81 (0.66 - 4.94)0.25
Pericardial effusion0.49 (0.16 - 1.55)0.230.84 (0.30 - 2.38)0.75
Tamponade1.73 (1.08 - 2.78)0.021.35 (0.90 - 2.01)0.15